Standard mode shows exits and custom exit lines whereas "grid mode" hides exit details and sizes rooms to form a perfect grid without any empty space in between rooms. There are 2 forms of visual representations of maps. In other words, if you can't make a place look geographically correctly, create (sub) areas to deal with the problem. Note: Areas help make do with the typical geographical irregularities of game maps where an entire city with hundrets of rooms makes up a single room on a wilderness map. Maps are divided into areas or zones where the area/room relationship is unique, i. Mudlet choses a path with the fastest travel time (-> room weights) as opposed to the shortest path. Path finding uses the fast A* search algorithm. Both nodes and individual exits can seperately be locked and thus excluded from speed walk path finding graphs. Special exits are referenced by their respective nodes and strings that hold the exit commands. Standard exits are referenced by their respective node and a directional integer value. However, special exits can be visually represented if the user provides custom exit line strips. the command "jump cliff" is a special exit that connects to a room without a clear spatial orientation. north, south) and "special exits" without a calculated visual representation on the map e.

Edges fall into 2 categories: Standard exits with a visual representation on the map (e. Nodes are referenced by unique integer IDs. Maps are implemented as directed graphs of connected nodes (rooms).